
János Csébfalvi
Nov 21, 2019
Emotional inequality: 4 skills for reducing gender bias in the workplace
What if your colleagues discriminated against you, just for being assertive? Unfortunately, gender bias is a reality in today’s...

János Csébfalvi
Mar 27, 2019
Diversity? Yes! A male au-pair? No!
The first time I really felt “different” was 30 years ago when I decided to get out of my home country and work as an au-pair in Rome. React

János Csébfalvi
Oct 2, 2018
What? Including diversity? You must be kidding!
5 people from different countries, with different background, type preferences, life and professional experiences, working remotely, wanting

Arturo Nicora
Aug 21, 2018
La storia siamo voi - History is made by all of us
This slogan invites everyone - visiting the beautiful city of Bergamo, Italy - to keep the city, the monuments and the streets clean...